03 November 2008

Changes Come

Regarding the title, Over the Rhine has such great things to quote, n'est-ce pas? Or maybe I just see them through love goggles. Very possible!

We put our clocks back and the season change seems really real. It is dark now when I drive home from work and I feel my mind and body settling into the long deep of wintertime. We are such creatures of light.

This week is a special one. I'm going home for my Thanxmas visit (a little early this year, but to accomodate a dear friend) and it will be wonderful. It also means my work week is already 1/3 over and it's only Monday - hurrah! Home, home, my mother's house - what will I find? New things will unfold, I know. Red and gold leaves, nippy air, much love, an aging dog, health food urged on like no other, a great collision of heaven crashing into earth, beloved family who are fading, dear new faces among old and all mixed together in a brand new cocktail that I can't wait to see fizz up in joy and laughter and discovery - be it so!