It was like a movie. I stood frustrated in my living room, thirsting to throw color onto a canvas and having none of the tools available to do that, not even the knowledge of how to get some paint. I called Craig and he gave me the name of an art supply store just a few blocks away so I donned my coat and strode down the hill to Bondi Art Supply. With a slightly wild intense look in my eye I asked the clerk to help me find the paper I needed and soon walked out with $25 worth of cheap but decent poster paints, brushes (including one "splurge" soft acrylic-bristled 1" flat) and paper. Happier but still intent, I headed for home when the scent of fresh cookies detoured me briefly into a kosher bakery where I bought two warm chocolate-chocolate-chip cookies which I munched as I walked. Home again, I filled a glass with paint water, rolled up my metaphorical sleeves, and spent a theraputic hour speaking in color along with a burning worship soundtrack.
After I'd painted I played with my digital camera and somehow got this shot.
Hmmm -- Didn't know you could double expose a digital Coolpix L3 frame -- better read my manual again :>) -- D.
Hey! Like all the pics!
damn. don't know what else to say. i can feel the angst in that post, even in the image--like you're a frustrated lightbulb flickering on and off. the new sydney pix are gorgeous. makes me want to come visit.
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